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Bper: launches partnership with Gardant to manage UTP and NPL loans

MILAN (MF-NW) – Bper Group and Gardant, active in the field of credit management – with more than 40 billion in managed loans – have launched a joint venture for the management of loans classified as unlikely (UTP) and non-performing loans. fulfillment (NPL). Thus was born Gardant Bridge Servicing, according to the note, in which Bper maintains a minority stake. The company will manage impaired loans from Bper and Banco di Sardegna. In detail, the operation concerns both the part of the remaining balance of UTP and NPL owned by NPL, as well as in the next 10 years 50% of new flows of UTP loans and 90% of NPL, as well as flows already sold to third-party investors as part of the project. This operation, comments Gardant CEO Mirko Briozzo, allows the group to strengthen its leadership position as a credit and asset manager. The manager continues: “The partnership with the Bper Group represents a challenge for the entire sector as it puts an industrialized and data-centric vision of credit management at the heart of its operations.” The joint venture actually involves significant investment in people, processes and technology, making the most of the DataGardant Lab infrastructure and combining the skills of both partners at multiple levels. The development of the joint venture includes, together with Gardant, the participation of Fbs Next in granular credit positions. Rothschild & Co. assisted Gardant in the operation. as financial advisor, Goldman Sachs as structuring advisor, Deloitte for due diligence activities, Accenture as industrial PMO and Chiomenti as legal advisor. Furthermore, Banca Akros offered advice on financial matters, Zoppini law firm in relation to regulatory aspects, while Pessi e Associati offered advice in relation to labor law issues. Finally, Banco Bpm and Unicredit as bookrunners & lead arrangers structured the acquisition financing aimed at completing the operation. com/bon (end) MF NEWSWIRES (

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