The Mondo Convenienza workers’ strike is over: they have been rehired permanently and given a 100 euro raise

160 days later, the workers left the crew. An agreement was reached, but the unions are not satisfied, as the recruitment took place under a contract with too low a wage base

After 160 days strike26 employees and apprentices World comfortbelonging to the company Rl2, were re-hired with permanent contracts and an increase of 100 euros. Their crew, characterized by evictions, truncheons, layoffs and also destroyed by flood, was motivated by working conditions defined as “unacceptable” and non-implementation of the logistics contract.

Trade unionist Luca Toscano emphasized that despite the reabsorption the fight will continue with other forms and at other times, because new recruitments took place under the “Cleaning and multiservice” contract (6.80 euros gross per hour), instead of the required employment contract Logistics.

This would mean a significant increase in wages ranging from 400 to 500 euros per month. However, they will now earn just under €1,300 per month, down from what was hoped for on a monthly basis of €1,460 per month under the national logistics contract.

The protest that took place sa to camp in front of the Mondo Convenienza warehouse in Campi Bisenzioin the province of Florence, included reports of apprenticeship contracts exceeded legal limits, unsustainable working hours (up to 5 12-hour shifts per week), non-payment of overtime and lack of recognitiontravel allowanceand also a number of working tools.

What worked and what didn’t

According to Si Cobas, the recruitment is a great success: overcoming the precarity that has existed for years and finally a group of porters, drivers and fitters will be compensated for months of redundancy.

In addition, the much-disputed Companies Ordinance it established was repealed exceptions to the national agreement on holiday, permit and sickness and travel allowances, which ranged from just over €6 per day for porters and fitters to €30, again gross, for drivers. Now the contribution is not canceled in the absence of employees for several days, but only reduced.

However, as mentioned, the application of an inappropriate contract remains with them, and according to the unions, it remains should be abolished given the paltry wages he gets. In fact, no laborer, whatever his work, should have this undignified salary.

At the final table in the Tuscany region, Mondo Convenienza offered to cancel the layoffs in exchange for a deal that would roll back the “legalization” of corporate regulations that had been removed in four months of fighting. Hence the strike ends without union agreement.

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